having fun in our second childhood

Friday, December 25, 2015

The meaningful wedding - 2015

Other than travel, we had a pretty special year with 3 family weddings. Each has its own special flavor and brings tears to our eyes for different reasons. The first took place over Memorial Day on Cape Cod. My cousin Bonnie’s daughter had a great wedding that was pretty much a family reunion for Kathie’s mother’s side of the family. The wedding was impressive because of the quality of the people involved. Chad, the groom, was special forces and Ashley, the bride, had met him during her stint in the military as an interrogator in Iraq. The wedding party was made up of close friends and special forces/military. The bonds between them all were tight and obvious. Wow, this is what keeps us safe in the world. Admirable people who have each other’s, and our, backs.
Chad, Ashley and Kathie's cousin Bonnie

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