having fun in our second childhood

Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Happy Christmas - 2015

Happy Holidays dear friends! As each year draws to a close, we feel even luckier, at peace in our home, and more blessed with our friends and our lives. Thank you for being out there! We will need it when the s_ _ _ hits the fan!

Peace, hmmm. Of course, we ain’t talkin politics here – nothing peaceful there. As usual next year, we will leave the country in October in order to avoid the hateful thing we call election hoo hah, or words to that effect. But gee, it seems to already be happening. How can that be???!!! We may have to leave sooner rather than later, and stay longer this upcoming year! Fortunately, we may have more time for that.

 Mark is just dropping down to practicing 2 days weekly and I am down to 2-3 days a week. Mark is not winding down his practice, but is certainly winding down his involvement in it. My firm is merging with another firm and the two “oldsters” (me and the other firm’s major domo) will be phasing out slowly over the next 2-3 years. Life is good…now, where is that travel money coming from? Hmmmm, must find cheaper way to do that! I know, says Mark, let’s buy a rig! A what?! A travel trailer?! Yuck, no, I don’t want to be one of those old couples arguing our way down the road says Kathie. But wait, says Mark, I have an idea. So, picked that idea up in Boise last month and spent 3 days wine tasting in Wala Walla. That I can get used to. Small, though, not one of those big things…and lots cheaper than airline flights to somewhere else! License is “On Paws.” Nuff said. Woof. The dogs think it is their new dog house…about the right fit for them. If we don’t take up too much of the bed!!
T@B crazy

It's our kennel, what do you mean you want in???
 As before, we have continued to enjoy our new home (now almost 4 years in!) immensely. (Why do we want to leave in a tiny trailer!!?) From the annual Easter duck races in the stream,
Duck races - an annual event since we moved here
All 8, but coop is hidden behind Gracie!
to grandkids overnight, to office or other parties, to dogs running everywhere, to kayaking daily, it is awesome. After adding on an apartment last year, just for fun, it got taken advantage of by Jake and Kim. They moved in for 6 months while building a new house. The apartment was a bit small for 5 people and a dog, but it worked out well for us as we got to spend lots of time with them all. Gunner our 9 yr old setter was a bit grumpy with the 1 yr old Golden retriever, but all went well once he got fixed….
Golden treasure at the end of the rainbow
Wild Waves for Gracie's birthday, the cousins take a ride!

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