having fun in our second childhood

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 3 - Put to Sea

Day 3 Put to sea
Our home away from home for the next 4 days. We have the triple cabin in the forward starboard hull. Well, actually a nice double with a single bunk in front that you get to if you channel your inner chipmunk. Can’t have one shred of claustrophobia to live up there. Hope you worked on your yoga Sarah. To get in and out you either crawl over us in our bunk and through a hidden trap door or if you want to maintain peace you shimmy up through the Plexiglas hatch cover onto the deck. Sarah, you are a true good sport. Hope it is not cold tonight and you get your wish to sleep on the net between the hulls on the bow. Really lazy day. Up and out of 19a to meet with the rest of our group. Retired Boston real estate developer, his psychotherapist wife and their retired 3rd grade teacher-traveling companion. How about this for a small world? His name is Carl and he is Carl Lindgren’s cousin. A retired government employee and his younger partner from Juno Alaska round out the passengers along with Sarah and of course Kathie and me. For your interest Bill it is a Nautitech 44.2, 44ft catamaran. North out of Dubrovnik to Kolocep Island where we had a two hour lunch followed by a much needed long walk across the island and a short 45 minute kayak. Well, kayak trip is sort of stretching it. More like paddling a concrete tub up stream. I am so spoiled by my white carbon-light Eddyline rocket. Oh well it got us out on the water. Walk back across island, and back aboard for a short one hour Sunset cruise to the island of Sipan where we will have an amazing two-hour dinner and dock for the night. If I can recall, wine, smoked salmon Carpaccio, skate appetizer drizzled with balsamic vinegar, octopus cakes (sort of like crab cakes but with octopus), and seafood risotto. Not bad☺. Vinnie and Sophia waddle back to the boat and Sarah channels her very best Alice and pops down the in deck rabbit hole to her bunk for the night. We rock to sleep dreamming of swimming hiking, biking, oh and of course eating tomorrow. Oh, almost forgot, for those of you who are concerned about Kathie, or as we like to refer to her as, Sophia, the one eyed sailor. So far she is doing just fine. Bill, thanks for all your advice. It was a good thing it was not her good eye. Looks sort of funny because they only had a right eye patch and she looks sort of funny wearing it on the left. Keeps falling off when she brushes her teeth. And she keeps bumping into things. What’s with that? Had to be careful eating gelato standing on her left. And for those of you concerned about the cat, it had to be euthanized. They are having it tested for rabies and we will hear about the results when we get back to Dubrovnik later this week.

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