having fun in our second childhood

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 1 Croatia

Day 1, Thursday-Friday Sept. 11
Up early. I have been in trouble for the last 2 weeks because I have not packed. Kathie just has not seen that I have been putting those things that would be needed on the spare bed so the actual putting of underwear into the suitcase was just a formality. Anyway, up at usual 4:30-5 am so had plenty of time to get in a good workout and watch the news before even the dogs stirred. We must have been better about hiding the trip from them this time because they haven’t been moping around as much as they usually do when they smell a trip is up. Leaving at 1 in the afternoon is a good deal. Gave me time to get that packing thing done with time to spare. Drive to the airport easy without traffic. Nice long lunch at the Anthony’s. I sort of like this new having to get to the airport so early. Allows for a little more down time before the flight. We were so smart 6 months ago. We went in and signed up for the GO system. We would no longer have to take off our shoes and be humiliated if there was a hole in our sock. We would no longer have to take our old fat heavy computer out of its backpack. We figured this card would solve it all. We strolled past all those long lines to the already approved line and presented our freshly minted plastic TSA issued Go cards to the agent who very nicely said, so what. However he must have taken pity on the two old farts because he still let us go by. Computer still had to come out and luckily I had my good socks on. We have a little more to figure out about the Go card thing. Good flight. Or as well as 9 hours spent sitting 12 inches from a 10 inch TV screen can go. Lufthansa is a great way to fly. Hours of programming and the food and wine all lull you into the vacation mood much faster. In fact, I have a little confession to make. I took several Derm journals along and even got them out of the carry on with the intention of knocking off one of them on the flight over. I must admit, however, I binged on the entire 4th season of The Big Bang Theory instead, while Kathie watched “The Other Woman” and “Maleficent.” She has not commented on those. Watched a great special on BB King, watched the highlights of the 2014 World Cup, marveled at how stupid some people can be flying in a nylon flying suit at 140 mph, and before you can say pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acutta, we were landing in Frankfort. Didn’t have to wait long before finding Sarah Lux. Found her about 10 people ahead of us in the customs line. Another hurry up and wait thing. 6 hour layover before flight to Dubrovnik. Oops. What happened to the 75 and sunny we left in Olympia. 75 still there but it has rained so had in Dubrovnik that some walls have fallen and blocked the road from the airport to town. Oh well Huck Finn finally finds us and the other members of our traveling group and we are off . How crazy, one couple is from Boston and the guy is the cousin of one of the pediatricians is Oly. They let us off at the gates to the old city with a cryptic treasure map to find our “room”. Down 4 long flights of wet stone steps into the old town. Hey, a few other tourists have discovered Dubrovnik since we were here last in the summer of 73. Oh well, a quick visit to the cash machine for some Kuna and with Kathie and Sarah’s good sense of directions we find 19a. 2 ½ single beds and a bathroom. Home away from home for the next 2 days. Now for what we find we have all been waiting for for the last 3 months. A nice glass of wine in a quite little back street Croatian restaurant. Kathie got her marinated anchovies and all is right with the world. Sarah likes them as well and we have created another monster. A lovely stroll home to 19a is complete with lemon, cherry, and chocolate gelato. So 2 ½ days and half a world away I am lying in bed in the dark with my computer drifting into peaceful vacation mode. We have all had a good night sleep and we didn’t need to use the bag of pink earplugs Sarah brought. Or at least I didn’t. I am going to sneak out to find Dolce Vita, the gelato shop that also seems to make a great crepe. I wonder if I can get it filled with Fruit of de Bosco this time? The wall around the old town will be our workout today. The rain is scheduled to stop tomorrow. Now, if I can just find a Starbucks. I wonder if there is an app for that? Thanks, or as the Croatians say Hvalla (sounds like walla to me) to all who are holding down the fort for us. Giving a shout out to the Ducks today and the Seahawks tomorrow.

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