having fun in our second childhood

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Still having fun!

A teeter totter somewhere in Tuscany!

Wedding wonders and cooking classes.

Tagliatelle tasks Think Covid!  Where is the mask?
And wine, always wine

And then there was opera with lyrics in Italian on the phone!

He cleans up well!

Dogs are still crazy and with us!
Alfie in the cone and Sweet Lizzie

Jake's family!

Ian's family
Ian and Aidan

Candace, Nya and Jake's Paige

Ian Donovan and Aliette!



Aidan and the new FIFA 2023

Liesl's family
Cooper Grace and Jake's Kale all wore Santa hats

Liesl and Nate

Cooper and Grace

Liesl and nate

Not sure about the "new" shoulder pad trend

Judahs including Odysseus and Olive

Miscellaneous Christmas photos!
Mason and Aidan

Liesl testing the wine's lasting power

Ian Mark Kale

Candy cane duels Donovan vs Cooper. with Nya

Rylee and Aliette

Left to right back to front 
Jake Mason Cooper Paige Rylee Grace


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