having fun in our second childhood

Monday, July 20, 2015

Final days in Europe with kids

Friday July 17 Mark and I left the family to enjoy each other and the Richerts took off for Paris today. We drove north to the Cavene de Pont u Arc, The Ardeche Gorge is an area with natural stone bridges, lots of kayaking and, especially, the Chauvet Cave reproduction. A few months ago we read all about how this cave was discovered in 1994 but was too fragile to allow visitors. The French have built a massive reproduction cave and learning center all about the original homo sapiens who replaced the neanderthals and painted their images in this cave. No pictures possible, but it was impressive! Back to dinner out at Don Carmines on its first day of business, in Coussellet, lovely Italian meal and a quick visit to a nearby playground. More wine, of course, and then to sleep. Thursday July 16 Pont du Gard with Liesl's family We spent the day swimming in the Rhone river under the Pont du Gard, a three tiered Roman bridge carrying an aqueduct from the mountains to the south. The water was lovely, the cliff jumpers crazy, the lunch lovely and the kids wonderful. Came home to find Kim and Jake and their kids arriving. We had a lovely dinner at home which we made with the Richerts, Liesl's fam and Kim and Jake. Pasta, green salad, italian bread salad and, of course, more wine. Shauna introduced us to a pastis, mint simple sugar, and basil drinmk which captivate dliesl and I...a very easy way to slip into oblivion. It iw what all the old men around France drink. A sweet Jack Russel from next door joined us , played with the kids and attacked the blow up beach balls vigorously.

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