having fun in our second childhood

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Liesl and Nate

Liesl and Nate - Liesl and Nate underwent a big change this year. The commute from DuPont to Seattle for Nate became nearly 2+ hours each way on a regular basis as a result of Ft Lewis military base enlargement. They decided to make the commute a bit easier and move to Puyallup where Nate could drive 5 minutes to hop the commuter 40 minute train to shortens Nate's trip by at least an hour each way and he can work (or sleep) on the train. Liesl has maintained her 2 days a week in her office here, and has joined the board for her practice. Both Cooper (4) and Grace ( 2 1/2) are in daycare/preschool those two days and thriving. Liesl Is able to drop them off and Nate picks them up. Their house is lovely and nearly twice as big as their old one, which was getting small with two busy kids and two big dogs. The family
Coop's glee at his first ride in our motor boat
Climbing Fool
Nothing Like July 4th in Gearhart
Playing in our yard

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