having fun in our second childhood

Monday, December 24, 2012

Other changes this year and final Happy Holidays from the Bauers, 2012

My practice changed drastically this year... Tom Bjorgen, my 16 year business partner, decided to run for a Court of Appeals Judge position - he unfortunately (for me) won. He then got appointed to fill an interim spot for a judge who had to quit early for health reasons. We had to change the firm name, all accounts, EVERYTHING, that had Tom's name on it within a couple of weeks. Sad to see him go, but he is the moral ethical type of person we want representing the community in a judicial position. I also have added a (small) new area of practice. I am working with a few young people who came to this country prior to turning 16, have graduated from school, and are productive for our country. We are working on green card status for them, or at least putting them into a more legal situation. These kids are all the hope of their families. It is a joy to meet them and work on their behalf. One of them, at 12, walked by himself from Guatemala to the US. When asked why he came, he says, "We needed food." Enough said. .
Mark's firm once again had to undergo a change in record keeping, moving from one electronic medical records program to another (the firm's third). Government mandated change has not been easy for medicine. We have high hopes for Obamacare. It may need some tweaking, but we think - hope - it is better than what we currently have. He and his partner are starting to be like an old married couple - Archie and Edith Bunker! Wilson and Gunner are progressing along paths similar to other pets, gaining weight in older ages, eating inappropriate things around the house, and warming our feet in front of the TV at night. They do love our new house and big yard. Wilson has a health issue that will likely take him from us in the near future, so we are spoiling him with chicken, Costco meatballs and stew meat. Such is a dog's life at the Bauer house.
Well, that is my bring and brag for the year. We feel blessed, especially after the horror of the two Sandys, hurricane and shooting. Our thoughts are with all of you. Please take care. We are thoroughly enjoying the cards we are getting. Remodeled guest rooms await any or all of you. So, this is the end of the 2012 Posts. Happy Holidays and enjoy 2013! from Kathie and Mark, Gunner and Wilson We will be watching for you!

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