having fun in our second childhood

Monday, June 14, 2010


Forgot to mention the incident at the lodge in llyn gwynant. The directions say "If you open this window, shut the curtain to keep bats out" ...but it was hot in Suzy and Nick's room. A shriek, a thump and doors flying open with all in their sleeping attire, or lack thereof...who do you call (Remembering, Cell phones don't work here)? The Welsh fusilliers? The local shepherd? No, Batnick! Crawling on hands and knees in his pyjamas with an hawaiian macademia nut can (the poor nuts having been sacrificed) He saves the day, errr, night! Captured, and crying as Suzy says, the poor mini-beast was released. Fortunately, no rabies here!

No man, beast or rodent was harmed in the preparation of this post

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